HIVe stands for HIV ends.” And it’s entirely possible that we can end new transmissions of the virus that causes AIDS. Many people don’t know that fact if they are unaffected by HIV. But, if you have sex (and who doesn’t want to), then you should be concerned about HIV transmission.

HIV, if untreated, causes AIDS, but the incredible news is that today HIV is like most other chronic diseases and can be held in check if you get and stay on treatment. Unfortunately, that isn’t always possible.

Stigma, fear, and miseducation often cause people to avoid knowing their HIV status. But getting an HIV test is simple and, in many places, free. Even so, many people avoid the test because they fear the unknown if the result comes back positive.

Treatment can be scary if you don’t know what’s up, but the truth is that many people can be treated with one daily pill. Worried you can’t afford it? There are plenty of free programs out there to help offset costs. But fighting for medical equity so that everyone can access to testing, care, and treatment, is one of the things we pledge to fight for.

Here’s another important truth – if you are HIV positive, you can get your viral load so low with treatment, that it becomes undetectable. And if your viral load is undetectable, and you stay on treatment, then there is zero chance you can pass HIV on through sex to your partner. You can effectively end HIV transmission even if you are HIV+.

Simply put, U=U. Undetectable equals untransmittable.

If you are HIV- you can still be part of the change. Thanks to PReP, you can take one pill daily and be nearly 100% protected from contracting HIV. Amazing, right?

So between those who have HIV, and those who don’t, we can end new HIV transmissions. And that’s what the HIVe pledge is all about – teasing, treatment, and equity for all.

Join us now to make sure HIV ends. Take the HIVe pledge.